(continued from Service Insert: Held Services Tab)

Service Insert: Rates Tab

The Rates tab has six further tabs beneath it:

  1. Details

Displays the Rate Validity From, Buy Currency, Sell Currency, Rate Status, Markup and Commission settings from the Product Database

  1. Rates

Displays the Rates applicable to the date of the service being entered into the booking

  1. Policies/ Rules

Displays any Policies or Rules associated with the product, including any relevant Room and Age policies

  1. Amenities

Displays Product Amenities

  1. FYI Messages

Displays any Information messages associated with the product

  1. Voucher

Shows any Rate Based voucher text, which may be associated with the product.


Note that the data that displays on these tabs is view only – it cannot be edited


Screen Shot 33 Service Insert - Rates Tab – Details


Screen Shot 34 Service Insert - Rates Tab – Rates

The column headings PC, Date, Rate Name and Age, FIT Cost, MUP% FIT Sell are the only columns available in this scroll. Unwanted columns can be removed.

Screen Shot 35 Service Insert - Rates Tab – Policies/Rules

Screen Shot 36 Service Insert - Rates Tab – Amenities

The column headings PC, Date, Rate Name and Code, Description, Category are the only columns available in this scroll. Unwanted columns can be removed.

Screen Shot 37 Service Insert - Rates Tab – FYI Messages

The column headings PC, Date, Rate Name and Added, Valid From, Expires, Message are the only columns available in this scroll. Unwanted columns can be removed.

Screen Shot 38 Service Insert - Rates Tab – Rate Based Voucher Text Tab

This text can be viewed and edited once the service has been saved into the booking - Service ListVoucher Text.


(continued in Service Insert: Service Details Tab)